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FAQs on Using School Butterfly Kits

Butterfly Life Cycle KitsKeeping butterflies in a classroom gives children the chance to see the lifecycle of the butterfly at first hand. If you are planning to get a school butterfly kit for the first time and have some queries, read our FAQs or give the Spotty Green Frog team a call on 0845 459 3270.

1 If I buy a school butterfly kit from you, what do I get?  We have a number of butterfly sets available.  All of them are suitable for schools and all include:

  • a certificate to order caterpillars
  • a butterfly habitat
  • a guide to “growing” butterflies

The difference between the various sets is the number of caterpillars which you receive and the size of the habitat.  All of the sets can be used in school or at home.  Click on the link to see the full range – Butterfly Sets

2 How do I order the caterpillars?  You can order online or by post.  Your caterpillar voucher will have the website and postal address which you need.  Simply follow the instructions.  When you order please keep your caterpillar voucher code handy.  You will need it if you have a query about delivery.

3 Can I order the caterpillars for a specific week?  Yes, you specify the week in which you would like the caterpillars to arrive.  The caterpillars are normally, however, only available from March – mid-September (depending on weather conditions).  Outside these dates the butterflies could not be released into the wild.

4 Can I order the caterpillars in advance?  Yes you can order them well in advance to arrive during your specified week. 

5 Are the caterpillars available throughout the year?  No they are available from March – mid-September (subject to the weather).  Outside of these dates the butterflies which are native to the UK could not be released into the wild.

6 How many caterpillars do get?  It depends upon which set your have bought.  Sets with 5, 10 and 33 caterpillars are available.

7 What do I do when the caterpillars arrive?  Your caterpillars will arrive in a clear container with food at the bottom for your caterpillars.  The food is sufficient for your caterpillars until they turn into chrysalis.  You do not need to supply any extra food.

You will see the caterpillars getting larger.  After a period of time (often around 2 weeks but it can vary) the caterpillars will create cocoons which hang from the paper lining attached to the lid of their container.

When they all have turned into chrysalis, you pin the paper to the side of your butterfly habitat on the inside near the top and wait.  The butterflies will emerge – usually within 2 weeks.

8 So how long does the whole process take?  From when your caterpillars arrive, typically 3-5 weeks.

9 How long can I keep the butterflies in the habitat?  Observe your butterflies for 2 or 3 days.  The Painted Lady Butterflies are native to the UK and can then be released into the wild. 

10 What sort of butterflies will I be sent?  The caterpillars will turn into the very beautiful Painted Lady butterflies which are native to the UK.

11 Once I have a butterfly habitat, can I use it again or do I need to buy a new one each year?  You can use the habitat again and just buy caterpillar vouchers.  You can also use the habitat for stick insects – we sell stick insect vouchers too!

12 If I buy 10 caterpillars will I get 10 butterflies?  The success rate is usually really high and with 10 caterpillars you are guaranteed at least 6 butterflies.  You will be able to get more caterpillars if your success rate is lower but often you will have 10 butterflies.

If you need more information, please call Spotty Green Frog on 0845 459 3270 or contact us by email.  For schools, we can arrange payment by invoice.

To see our full range of butterfly kits please click on the link.